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With a blend of aromatic spices and tender chicken, this Instant Pot dish embodies the essence of comfort cooking. Perfect for serving 2 to 4...
  This quick and easy Instant Pot recipe combines spicy Piri Piri seasoning, juicy shrimp, and creamy orzo for a delicious dish you'll want...
Fancy the perfect fries with delicious mayonnaise? Search no further! This foolproof recipe produces irresistibly crispy fries made with large...
Enjoy gastronomic delicacies from the air fryer that are ready within 40 minutes! Our Cheese-Stuffed Burgers are a quick and tasty treat for the...
Give your family a Spanish getaway with these Instant Pot Harissa Chicken Thighs ! This dish serves 4 people and is ready in less than 40...
Get a taste of this Asian-inspired meal with our succulent air fryer pork belly! This flavorful dish consists of tender, melting pork belly,...
Give the plain store-bought chicken schnitzel a boost with this tasty version of a Crispy chicken caesar! This delicious dish from the Instant...
A delicious appetizer that is quick and easy to make with the Instant Vortex air fryer ! In just 30 minutes you can enjoy tasty nachos that are...
Enjoy the ultimate cookie pleasure with this delicious air fryer recipe , with only 10 simple ingredients! These heavenly cookies are quick and...
Ingredients: 1 eggplant, cut into 1 cm thick slices 1 round crusty bread 2-3 tablespoons of pesto roasted peppers roasted artichokes, chopped 1...
Ingredients: 200 ml lukewarm water 7g pack of dried active yeast 250 grams of white flour 15 g sugar (optional, for a sweeter dough and more...
Ingredients: Crispy onion rings: 2 Small onions, thinly sliced 50g flour 1 tsp garlic powder Sauce: 15 g grated Parmesan cheese 3 tbsp mayonnaise...