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  Inspired by the famous IKEA meatballs, this delicious Swedish meatball pasta. With crispy (vegetable) meatballs as the star of the dish,...
  This crispy air fryer Soy Chicken is a deliciously crunchy dish that will make your mouth water. With a simple marinade of soy sauce,...
  Soft and fluffy apple pie donut bombs made with the simplest dough. This recipe is an absolute success with ingredients you probably...
  Taste autumn with this delicious honey pumpkin cheesecake. This creamy treat combines the sweet taste of honey with the warm, spicy notes...
The Sticky orange, ginger & herb ham promises to become the showpiece on every festive table. This recipe produces a perfectly juicy ham, with...
This recipe for Christmas spiced duck from the air fryer is exceptional because of the tasty and juicy results. The spice mix, including the...
Introducing Herb Meatballs – a simple and flavorful dish that's perfect for busy weeknights. Juicy and tender turkey meatballs, seasoned with Nduja...
The secret to the best pork belly lies in the rotisserie function of the air fryer, making this Porchetta recipe an absolute game-changer. The...
Pilav is a Middle Eastern dish that has gained almost universal praise and appeal. It is packed with warming spices and perfectly balances between...
Citrus salmon is a delicious culinary creation that combines the taste of salmon fillet with the refreshing notes of citrus fruits. This tasty and...
Super simple creamy white lasagna soup... from the Instant Pot ! The perfect cozy bowl for evenings when you're craving your favorite lasagna, but...
Crispy shrimp toast, a delicious Asian-inspired treat! Prepared in no time with the magic of the Instant Vortex Airfryer : tender shrimp, mixed...